I love this combination of flavours and colours. I know that blueberry taste the best in Jun but sometimes is so difficult to wait till then:-). So sometimes I buy and make delicious dessert like this one. I made a small pie and a few jar size desserts for breakfast. Yes this pie you can serve morning or evening if you like.
The pie is 100% raw, vegan and gluten free, totally healthy type of treats, so make one for yourself and for a family:-)
Ingredients for the crust:
300 g pitted dates soaked in hot water for 30 minutes
100 g any favourite nuts, I used peanuts
20 g coconut oil, melted
Ingredients for the filling:
250 g blueberries
200 g cashew nuts, soaked overnight
100 g coconut oil, melted
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbs rice syrup